John McFetridge


John McFetridge is a seasoned software developer boasting over four decades of experience in the field. His expertise spans across several popular programming languages, including C, C++, C#, and Javascript. Over the years, John has dedicated significant time to training other developers at Code camps, sharing his wealth of knowledge with the next generation of software engineers.
In addition to his work as a developer and educator, John is also a successful entrepreneur. He is the founder and first president of Simware, a Canadian software company that specialized in communications. His leadership and technical skills played a crucial role in the company's success.
One of John's most significant contributions to the software industry was his involvement in the original development team for CorelDraw. This project eventually became one of the most popular graphic applications in the world, demonstrating John's ability to recognize and contribute to ground-breaking software.
Following his work with CorelDraw, John helped launch Coast Systems and Messagewise. Under his guidance, these companies grew significantly, eventually finding acquirers.
Now semi-retired, John continues to make valuable contributions to the software industry. He remains actively involved in writing software and teaching AI, never ceasing to innovate and inspire. Despite his impressive career, John continues to seek new challenges and opportunities to share his experience and passion for software development.